
RAP Bank

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Only Post You’ll Need to Do Something Extraordinary

Recently, my friend Maneesh bought an island. Seriously, an island! For years I've (half) jokingly talked to my friends about the day when we’re going to do that, and when I saw that Maneesh actually followed through with it, all I could think was, that’s pretty damn cool. Then I started thinking about how many of my friends have done remarkable things.  The list is pretty long, but the coolest part about their escapades, is that they are all totally normal people who made a vow to do something great.
Next time you have an idea and someone tells you that you can’t do it, look at any one of these examples
below. These days you can pretty much do whatever you want, if you want it bad enough. 

Here’s the proof:

Chris visited every single country in the world

Tyler has run a marathon on almost every continent (and I thought I was cool)

Jodi gave up a $250k a year job as a lawyer to explore her passion for soup around the globe

Nick organized a weeklong retreat in paradise for 12 friends and strangers.

Kyle swam two miles, then biked 110, then rand 26.2.

Andy and Dane have made over a million dollars and helped start dozens of software companies

Nick and Tim have built a wine empire in Southern China.

Dan built a 7 figure lifestyle business, all because he didn’t want to work in an office anymore.

Benny can speak 8 languages…fluently.

Matt Madeiro raised enough money to buy a school bus for kids in Nepal.

A different Ryan raised nearly $400k on Kickstarter from his love of watches.

Matt has been a permanent traveler for over 5 years.

Dana moved to Bali and became the resident expert on the island.

Nate walked across America. WALKED.
My point? With every single one of these ideas there was someone who said “you can’t do that.”
Yes you can.
So go prove the world wrong.

Original article @ seanogle


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